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Aveksha at IIT-R

Anubha Aggarwal

Any performance is always accompanied with a lot of excitement, energy and stomach knots. IIT-R was beyond that. Aveksha (Street), theater society of GGSIPU, was given an opportunity to compete with the best of the teams from all over the country at the annual festival, Sankalp, organized by IIT-R from 4th to 8th February 2015.

It was Aveksha’s first Out of station trip this year and added another feather to their hat. Aveksha not only bagged first prize but huge audience applause and positive reviews from some of the eminent judges. The script, acting and energy of the play were much appreciated. The play, “Isse kya faraq padta hai?!” is based on the stereotypes prevailing in the society and its effect on the lives of people.

The direction of the play helps us identify the subtle tones of some very prominent stereotypes. The three day trip to Roorkee was physically, mentally and emotionally exhausting on one hand and at the same time it was a satisfying one. And as Shreya Mahajan, Actor-director of Isse kya farq padta hai, puts it, “the success of the play is not in winning the competition but the involvement of the audience in the play and team’s unity….and Sankalp was one such platform.”